We greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, praying for God’s Grace and Mercy. We are currently experiencing history making and life changing events related to COVID-19. In times of a crisis, the Church must stand up and be the Church, starting with the safety and the protection of the members.
The Mayor of Austin, Mr. Steve Adler, released an Order dated March 17, 2020, indicating “no social gathering of ten or more persons at the same time in a single room or space. For clarity, this includes, but not limited to, weddings, religious services, parties, funerals, sporting events, social events, conferences and other gathering.”
Please be in prayer for our Nation, the World and all of those impacted by this virus. Starting Sunday, March 22 we are suspending all worship services, bible studies and auxiliary meetings until further notice. We will send out updates via our social media and administrative office.
Please let our staff or your Deacon know if there’s anything we can do to serve you during this stressful time. And Pray!!! Pray that God will allow us to come together soon. We need the church. I need you. Let’s be faithful in our communication with one another and praying for one another.
Be patient with us as we navigate the days ahead. These are uncharted waters. No Pastor has ever pastored during a pandemic before. We need your prayers, patience, and support as we prayerfully and carefully consider all that is in front of us.
Continue your giving to our church (The Street). This season of limited gatherings is so crucial to the financial well-being of our church. A large number of our members already give their tithes and offerings through Givelify. Please continue.
- Mail: Check or money order to 3401 Rogge Ln., Austin, Tx. 78723
- Drop off:
- Sunday between the hours of 9:00am and 12:00pm
- Monday – Wednesday between the hours of 9:30am and 12:00pm
Yours in Christ,
M. C. Walker, Sr.